
Welcome. As the title says, this is a weekly blog about music. I am an avid music listener, as are many people. At work I listen to music most of the day, come to think of it I think about music most of the day in general. When I was a grad student, I use to have Friday songs in the office, some random song, old, new or forgotten that I thought would set a mood. Music has that effect, it can set the mood or remind you of a time or place. So, this blog is simply about music. I often like talking music, sharing and finding out more about bands or artists I know little about. Therefore, I am sharing. I am always on the lookout for new stuff, so share as well. Hopefully some of these songs will be new to you, or songs you had forgotten, or remind you of a certain time or place. They say its what makes the world go round, so here we go.